Jesus’ Model of Prayer

Jesus gave this outline or guide in which to pray. By using this simple model, we can see the areas that prayer should cover. Since prayer is communicating with God, it is important that listening be a part of each portion. For example, while you are worshiping and giving honor and adoration to the Father, it would be to your advantage to pause and listen in your spirit to see if the Holy Spirit gives you a strong impression or spiritual thought. It is also helpful to be prepared to write down what you receive in prayer. … More Jesus’ Model of Prayer

When You are Offended Without a Cause

Though one may have a clear conscience, that in and of itself does not make it an acceptable practice at all times. Some may reject Paul’s warning with a judgment, “Those Christians are just too narrow-minded and legalistic! I am going to do what I like; I have liberty in Christ.” Such an attitude reveals a lack of love for the Body of Christ and will not preserve the unity of the Spirit. Let us walk in our liberty but not use it to bring an offense to another. … More When You are Offended Without a Cause

Exercising Authority in Warfare

Whatever you see prevailing from the kingdom of darkness, you can counter by living and acting in the opposite spirit. If perversion is prevalent, then the Christian should manifest purity. The Church is to be the salt and light to the world. Your life stands in contrast to darkness. When proper actions and decisions are kept, the influence of demonic power is broken. Each believer who acts in the opposite spirit diminishes Satan’s strongholds. … More Exercising Authority in Warfare

Who is Satan?

Two extremes are often taken when discussing issues related to Satan and demons. First, some think that Satan is not real and that demons do not exist. In our modern world, the idea of the existence of demons may seem primitive and even unenlightened. Science can find physical relationships to most problems; therefore, many assume that none are related to demonic activity. The second extreme is to associate most every conflict or problem directly to demons or the devil. To error on this side gives too much credit to the devil and creates curiosity and interest in darkness. This error arises from a misunderstanding of Satan’s activities and how he operates with his demonic forces. … More Who is Satan?

iSin, Sin and You

When you hold onto your sin long enough, it can change your beliefs and move you from the principles of God’s word (1 Tim 4:1). This happens as a means of personal justification. You can end up accepting lies and think that God approves of your behavior. I have heard Christians say, “I know what God’s word says, but I don’t think God would want me to be unhappy.” Their disobedience has become their deception. Because they insist upon their own will, their conscience does not bother them (1 Tim 4:2). To overcome sin you cannot ignore, justify, or tolerate it in your life. … More iSin, Sin and You